Our sales team is always here to support you!

Please send us your inquiry to:

Vietpak Company Limited

Address: B43, Pho Truc, Ecopark, Xuan Quan, Van Giang, Hung Yen, Vietnam, Zip code: 160000

Mail: Info@vietpak.vn

Phone/Whatsapp: (+84) 966 026 246

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    We are a premier plastic bag manufacturer based in Vietnam. Our dedicated team excels in crafting customized packaging solutions to precisely meet the needs of all customers


    We have a strict quality control system. Our bags are inspected before production, during production, and prior to loading into containers. Our priority is to minimize every defective goods before shipping to our customers


    Our enthusiastic customer service team always strives to respond to your emails as promptly as possible. We take pride in our ability to consistently deliver high-quality products on time, every time.

    (+84) 966 026 246
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